Point Worzonof Walk 2011

Friday after work, I got my butt in gear and started to pack for my outing. I wasn’t really sure how long it would take since I was going for distance, not speed and made sure to pack a clif bar and some granola. Before catching the bus home I bought a very large bottle of water. I meant to sneak some bottles from work but forgot until I was all the way down the street!

I tried finding a friend or two to go walking with me, but as soon as I said 10 miles they were all, “Um yeah… no.”


The walk from the starting point on the trail was actually only 3.75 miles each way, but I walk from my house which adds an additional mile, for the final total of about 9.5 miles.

While I was packing but before I left, I realized I had lost my keys somewhere. I remembered taking the off the hook so I could put them in my pocket, but then mysteriously could not find them ANYWHERE. Luckily my roommate was downstairs and I was able to ask her to leave the door unlocked. She didn’t really seem comfortable with the idea, her eyebrows rise up in a way that says, “I’ll go ahead and agree to this but whether or not it actually happens is a different story.” /foreshadowing

Just before 7pm I set off on my journey.

Westchester Lagoon is probably one of my favorite spots in Anchorage. They have a disc golf course, and plenty of room to picnic around in. Plus there is this gorgeous body of water that people boat on during the summer and ice skate on during the winter. Many of the races I go on will go by this at some point.

I was really excited to get my walk on, but there were so many photo ops, I had to stop and take a few.

This is where the trail begins at the Lagoon. In reality it starts about 2 miles earlier than this at the Ship Creek trail head.

The view half way around the Lagoon. I look at these mountains every day. I’m overwhelmed by the prettiness that is just in Anchorage, let alone outside of the city!

Not going to lie: I was kind of getting irritated with myself at this point. But… baby ducks. Gotta stop and look at the baby ducks. They’re just so cute!

Finally getting a move on, and just before the mile 1 marker, A view of where I would be walking to. Point Worzonof.

Got a little color in my cheeks, but happy and moving. There were a lot of people on the trail so I wasn’t too worried about Moose stepping out of the trees, and had my headphones in. I was rocking out to a playlist of my own design. A Genius playlist, based on Rolling in the Deep by Adele, cause I love her.

Just before reaching Mile 3, there is Earthquake Park. It was really shady and entrenched with mosquitoes, so I paused long enough to get a little stretch in, mow down on some trail mix and then started moving again.

I didn’t see a mile marker 4 point, but I figured it could have been too far off from my destination. Just towards the end, the hill going down got very steep and very curvy. I started cursing, knowing I would have to walk back up it, but when I did, it wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it would be. Or possibly I just couldn’t feel my legs. Time of arrival: 8:59pm.

I paused and had some more trail mix, drank some more water. I sat in the grass, and just enjoyed the view. The thing I love most about Point Worzonof is that the Airport is right next to it, and quite often the planes will take off and make their final descent right over head. It smells like jet fuel, but I don’t care because its awesome.

 Above: Mount Susitna, or as the locals call it, The Sleeping Lady.

Now, I started getting tired. My stamina was rapidly disappearing. I even had to turn on my Awesome Opossum play list to keep me going. I was not pleased.

Before I knew it, I had made it back to the Lagoon. My home was only a hop, skip, jump of a mile away!

Beautiful reflection. There are these broken down boxes that look like at one point they must have been part of a dock. I don’t really know what they are. On the other side of those tree’s is a hill from hell that I love to ascend. Last year I had to stop several times to get up it. Now I don’t at all. It was originally part of my route this walk, but I’m not sure I could have done it would injuring myself at that point. I had nothing left.

I finally reached my home, at 11:01pm. I walked up on the porch and turned my door knob… well, tried to turn my doorknob. It was locked. After discussing with Suraman that the door should be left unlocked, it was not. So I spent the next 20 minutes pounding on the door, yelling her name up at the window (her light was still on), and even enlisted my neighbors to help me get in my apartment. Finally she comes down, wrapped in a towel, hair all wet.

Of course she was in the shower. How can I possibly blame her for wanted the door locked when she’s in the shower?

I used the very last of my energy to make a protein smoothie, took it up stairs, cleared my room well enough that I could put my legs up against my wall, and left them there for 22 minutes, or approximately the length of one How I Met Your Mother episode. Specifically, the Lucky Penny Episode where Marshall trains to run the New York City Marathon, only to break his toe the day before the race. Barney runs in his place without having trained, and then later gets stuck on the subway because he can’t move his legs. Legendary.

I spent Saturday in a haze of useless brain, spent money on clothes I don’t actually need, and can’t really afford, missed my friend’s BBQ, and was angry the whole day.I ate a lot of carbs, but I didn’t eat a lot, so that was good.

Stamina. Its something I need.

Instead of THIS, Try THIS!

After conferring with my cousin, my mother and one of my friends, I’ve decided not to go on the Bird Ridge trip. Today, I am acutely aware of my IT band, and the bottom of my calves feel like they’ve been ripped and slathered in lactic acid… which is probably the case.

So instead of ascending 3500 feet in 2.5 miles, I’ll just walk 10 miles instead. I keep meaning to get in a long walk, and since the weather has been so beautiful these last couple of days, I just don’t think I can put it off any longer. Because 10 miles on a relatively flat course is going to be a lot easier than 2.5 with over a mile elevation gain… right? I’m crazy. Thats all there is to it.

Expect a full report on Saturday!


Stair Climbing and Burning Out

This morning instead of going to the gym, I climbed the Stairs of Doom five times. They’re relatively close to my home, so it was just a short walk to get there. I used my heart rate monitor, which I’m pretty much in love with. I was only active for about 20 minutes, and burned just over 200 calories.

I didn’t think to bring my camera because I was running a little behind this morning. All this sun is making it difficult to get quality sleep! I forget to go to bed because its still light at midnight… I wake up at three am to pee, and the sun is coming over the mountains! I’ve lived here for 5 years, you’d think I’d be used to this by now.

 After I came home, a little disappointed in my calorie burn, despite being covered in sweat, I decided to turn on a little music and dance for another 15 minutes.
I’ve been thinking a lot about my goals for the next couple of months, and I’m starting to feel burnt out. If I want to see more results, I have to work for it much harder than I have been. Working harder also burns me out. Having my schedule changed burns me out.  Asking more of myself burns me out. 
I think the part that I keep forgetting is, The more I ask of myself, the more I’m able to accomplish. Perhaps I won’t reach that “goal” but I’ll be so much closer to it than if I hadn’t started at all.
Even though I have all these walks planned, I almost don’t even care at this point.Okay, even writing that doesn’t feel true. I guess I still just want to be at the finish line, and skip all the hard stuff- you know, the stuff that matters. The stuff that shows you who you are, the stuff the creates memories. 
As Miley Cyrus sings, 

Ain’t about how fast you get there

Ain’t about whats waiting on the other side

Its the climb
Yup. Totally just quoted a Miley Cyrus song.
Speaking of things leading me closer to my goals, I was invited to go on a hike this Friday immediately after work on the Bird Ridge Trail, near Girdwood, Alaska. It is listed as a moderate to difficult 2.5 miles one day with a 3500 elevation gain. My head is kind of spinning just thinking about it. Several other people will be going, including two of my documentary programmers for the AIFF this year (whom I recruited myself) so in theory it should be fun. But I don’t want to be that person that holds every one back. I don’t want people waiting on me, cause it makes me feel lame.
The view from the top of Bird Ridge (source)

I really really really don’t think I’m ready for such a hike. But if I never go, I’ll never know, right? Maybe I should go climb some more stairs…

How do you keep from burning out?

Over the weekend

My friend took this picture of me over the weekend. I don’t recognize myself in any of it, well, except for the purse and phone. I really want to ask her to take it off the internet, but if I don’t have these reminders, then it’ll be easier to pretend I don’t have a problem. This is what the rest of the world sees when they look at me.

In two fridays I have a 12k to walk, immediately after work. I’m excited, but I must admit, I totally forgot about it until just this morning, and, I really haven’t done any “long” walks. I cap out at about 3 miles. I am really planning on getting one in this weekend. I might make it my only plan this weekend, in fact. The week after the 12k, there’s the Alaska Run for Women, which is 5 miles, but as I’ll be walking to and from the starting line, it’ll end up being closer to 8. My body is still under prepared for this. I need to shift my focus and start doing more, challenging myself more.

Instead of going to the gym this morning, I went on a walk around the neighborhood. It was nice to get out and enjoy the sunny weather.

I kind of got derailed, going to Ohio last week. I’m slowly getting things back on track, but damn it’s hard. I bought a pack of cigarettes upon my arrival home, despite that I had quit nearly two years ago. I’m not happy to admit this. I bought a second pack, and gave 75% of it to my friend (the same one who took the picture). I’m done with that now. For now.

One day at a time.

Anniversary Post

So, this was originally supposed to be posted on May 13th. Except, I was in Ohio, and Blogger was experiencing their own apocalypse. On ward, and upward, I always say!

(my official before picture)

Starting weight: 323.3
Todays weight: 292.3
Total lost in one year: 30 lbs

How I feel about that:

Awesome. I have maintained a weight loss of 30 for nearly a year. The last time I lost weight, I was 16, and I was starving myself. It hurt, and I scared me. But now, I have a lot going on for myself this year.

I was so hung over in this picture…

Originally, I was going to make this a long drawn out post, detailing all the cool stuff I’ve accomplished in the last year, all the heart ache I suffered but survived through, and a list of goals set for the future, but most of that is covered in my “about me” tab, and as for goals this year? I just want to keep moving forward.

To those that read my ramblings and constant “I” statements, I appreciate it, I love your comments and I am so glad I’ve chosen to share my journey with you. Reading your blogs and tweetchats has been a great inspiration to me, and I love you all. Thank you for sharing in this with me.

To be honest

To be honest, I didnt eat a salad today. I had a veggie sub sandwich, that could have been considered one, but it wasn’t.

To be honest, I didnt go to the gym today. I spent an hour in a meeting for the festival, and 2.5 hours shopping and getting my hair cut.

And to be honest, I’m not going to the gym until next week. Tonight I will be flying out to Ohio, for my best friend’s wedding. I had no intention of going, or being involved. I had even bought really fantastic seats to see The Blue Man Group on the day of her wedding; yet another excuse not to go.

Yesterday my coworker and I were talking, and I made a comment. “I don’t stand up when it matters.”

That couldn’t be further from the truth. It pained me that I would think so lowly of myself, even for a second.

Today, my friend who is getting married asked me why I changed my mind, and I said, “I got jealous of the tacos.”

To be honest, I could care less about the tacos.

I want to share one more memory with some of my favorite people, and so tonight I am flying to Ohio for a wedding. I want to be present. It was a very last minute decision, and to be honest, I am relieved that I finally chose to go.

Last nights dinner

Last night I walked home from work, just missing the giant rain clouds above, and made an incredible salad. It included mixed greens, grapes, feta, chik patty, cherry tomatoes, kalamata olives, and home made Strawberry Balsamic Vinaigrette, which was just to die for.

I looked up a couple of recipes and then just decided to make my own.

Strawberry Balsamic Vinaigrette

  • 1 cup strawberries, tops removed
  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • 2 TBS balsamic vinegar
  • 1 tsp honey
  • 1 pinch flaxseeds
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  • Parsley flakes
  • Basil flakes

I chopped the fresh strawberries, mixed all the ingredients in a blender, and processed until smooth. It turned out creamy and delicious. Makes about 1.5 cups.

  I kind of want to put it on everything.

Todays salad will probably be a replica. I’m pretty excited. And now, off to #fitblog!

Weekly Goals


I thought to help keep myself on track a little better, I’d make a list of weekly goals. I’m usually pretty good about obtaining short term goals, so we’ll wee how this goes. Its important not to overwhelm myself, but if I can stick to a few general ideas, then I think it’ll be a success.

The goals this week are (drumroll please!):

  • Complete week 5 of c25k 
  • Get in at least one session of weights at the gym
  • Eat salad for dinner every night
  • Walk home from work every night
  • Use my brand new Polar ft4 during each workout
  • Track my food intake

I just realized my schedule is going to be a little off than usual because the film festival is starting to warm up again, and I’ll be programming for a second year. The meetings start this week, and pretty soon I’ll be knee deep in documentaries. I’m going to have to create a fabulous new workout program I can do while watching all these documentaries. I can’t be sitting around all summer! I’m going to Hawaii in September!
